The me-aspect of situation The concern-aspect of situation The intention-aspect of situation The we-aspect of situation The situation

Theory and practice of "Situationsdynamik" (situation-dynamics) was drawn up between 1983 and 1984 by Herbert Euschen in Ludwigshafen, Germany. He combined group-dynamics, systemic and hunamistic aspects to form the concept of situation-dynamics.

Using this approach and on the basis of current social- and knowledge in humanities, Herbert Euschen and Ursula Geißner additionally developed concepts for the disciplines of organization development, education, supervision and training.

Thus, a first step was to use this concept for the education of supervisors, organization developers and trainers. Consequently and as a second phase, the so educated supervisors, organization developers and trainers themself applied and further developed the concept of situation-dynamics by means of their own profession as counsellor, teacher or trainer.

The theory of situation-dynamics directs to orientate oneself on the professional praxis of the customers and, therefore, to react practically on the demand of the organizations, their occupational groupings and clients, when drawing up specific training, counselling or other educational processes for the customers.

Situation-dynamics as a background theory bases on the principle of "here and now", which is represented through the four aspects of situation (me, we, concern and intention). These four aspects structure the contents and methodical work with the customer "here and now" in his organization.


Situation - Me-aspect - We-aspect - Concern-aspect - Intention-aspect